Maureen Alger is a litigation partner and the firm-wide Pro Bono Partner at Cooley LLP . As Pro Bono Partner, she manages Cooley’s pro bono practice across eleven offices. Maureen spends a significant amount of her time collaborating with local, regional, and national legal services organizations to develop pro bono partnerships and projects that enhance access to legal services. For example, Maureen worked closely with OneJustice and the national Association of Pro Bono Counsel (APBCo) to develop the Bay Area Rural Justice Collaborative, a pro bono project serving those in rural and isolated communities who would not otherwise have access to legal services.
Maureen is a co-founder and board member of AP BCo and has also served on the boards of OneJustice, Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County, and Western Center on Law and Poverty. She has a B.A. from University of California at Berkeley, received her J.D. from Columbia Law School, and clerked for the Hon. Martha Craig Daughtrey of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. She has taught as adjunct faculty at Stanford Law School and University of California/Hastings College of the Law.