Setting Up Unemployment Insurance Assistance Projects

Wednesday, June 03, 2020 3:00 pm to Wednesday, June 03, 2020 3:00 pm

Millions of Americans have lost their income and are seeking unemployment insurance for the first time in their lives. The state systems are overwhelmed, online applications are difficult to navigate, and applicants too often encounter barriers even at the first step of filing an application.

Legal aid programs can help by providing assistance to unemployment insurance applicants from the very first step of the process, helping them figure out whether they may be eligible, assisting with the online application, and troubleshooting already-filed claims to identify and resolve problems. Pro bono and student projects are an effective way to provide representation for claimants who reach the hearing stage.

Hear from two programs that have successfully started up application assistance and hearing representation projects using volunteers and students as well as staff members, and hear from a national legal expert on Unemployment Insurance during the pandemic. Bring your questions and concerns.

Julia Simon-Mishel, Philadelphia Legal Assistance
Audrey Richardson, Greater Boston Legal Services
George Wentworth, National Employment Law Project


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